Terms & Conditions

JC Esmeraldas provides pre-consultancy for the purchase, sale and exchange of rough and polished emeralds.

Through our contacts with gemologists and experienced emerald traders, we can help you make the right decision, preventing you from falling into traps and fraud and making the best deal.

We only work with rough or polished emeralds that have at least an invoice or a purchase and sale contract registered with a notary, both with a certificate of origin. Or with sculptures carved out of emerald rocks.

For pre-consultancy we charge a one-time fee of R $ 250.00 to analyze your business, guide you on the quality of the emeralds and indicate accredited gemologists so that you can run your business without prejudice.

For intermediation in the purchase and sale of your emeralds, the commission will be 5% and must be paid by the seller in cash right after the sale is completed.

In the case of intermediation in the exchange for real estate, we charge a commission of 10% paid in stones (rough or polished), 5% on the side of the owner of the emeralds and 5% by the owner of the property, which must be removed from the lot negotiated in question.

Our intermediation work is done based on the values ​​defined by their owners, both for the sale of emeralds and for real estate in the case of exchange.

We are not responsible for the evaluation of emeralds by private professionals not indicated by JC Esmeraldas, whether rough or polished and / or by the real estate in the case of exchanges.

Emerald buyers and / or homeowners are responsible for hiring a trusted appraiser before concluding the deal, such as a gemologist with experience in emeralds, if you are not interested in our pre-consultancy service with professional referral by JC Emeralds.

In the case of properties for exchange, we only accept working with properties that are completely cleared and with deed and regularized documentation. The owner of the property will be required to have a Letter of Acceptance where he must inform the full description of the property and the type of emerald he accepts in the exchange, as well as authorization in the name of Juliano Cunha for intermediation.

Through our experience in the market, we can help the buyer to preliminarily analyze the quality and price of emeralds, but this does not guarantee a safe evaluation, because only a gemologist experienced in the area and in person can define the quality of the stones, based on color, transparency, size and, mainly, the type of treatment that was used in them.

We accept partnerships only with brokers who have direct contact with buyers, owner of emeralds or the property.

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